Calanchi trekking

From Montechiaro Alta, start the path of “Passeggiata dei Calanchi” , which, together with that of the 5 towers, is a cult for cyclists and trekking enthusiasts. The itinerary is 30 kilometers long, and the walking time is estimated at 9 hours. Before the era of mobile phones, it was advised to go there with a compass, because walking or pedaling inside the gullies means plunging headlong into nature: you pass by very woody stretches that in spring-summer are colored with flowers, with long stretches of pure dry stone, white and grey…a lunar landscape! In some places, you can also find marine fossils.

On the first Sunday of May, the Montechiaro branch organizes the walk with refreshment points, marked stages and with the possibility of following, in addition to the classic itinerary, another one of about half-length.

In any case, it is a challenging walk, crossing fords, sudden ascents and descents, even slippery slopes. It starts at an altitude of 202 meters, the maximum altitude is 532, but the health and descents of the itinerary are many, so the total height difference at the end of the course is over 1000 meters.