Acqui, hot springs and spa

It owes its name to the waters that flow from the subsoil rich of therapeutic properties, already known to the ancient Romans and its flagship today are the spas and thermal baths where you can plunge directly into the springs, between the vapors that come out of the ground.

The heart of the city, the Bollente, is a newsstand-fountain from which sulfurous water comes out, which you can inhale freely .. you meet it as soon as you enter the historic center. But it is worth continuing the journey, going uphill in the upper part of the ancient center , with medieval castle and walls, narrow paved streets, today scattered with small streets, wine bars, restaurants, delicatessens, which come alive in the evening…

Also noteworthy are the Roman remains and the elegant five and seventeenth-century buildings, Romanesque and Baroque churches.

To get to know it by day, the best time is Tuesday, when the square and the central streets come alive with the lively and crowded market where a bit of everything is sold, even many products from the fields and local orchards.

Every third Sunday of the month: “sgajentò” market , that means “small antiques”, in Corso Bagni.

Festivals and Holidays: Choco Acqui, Acqui e Sapori